Latest Crop of RINOS
The ever tactful Donald Trump has drawn the ire of such worthies as Mitt Romney and John Kasich. Both think they should be President and not some doofus reality TV star.
Read moreHarriett Tubman
She helped John Brown organize the raid on Harper's Ferry.
During the Civil War, in the Combahee River raid alone, Harriett freed over 700 slaves.
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Let's see now, which article do you want to read?
!. The President of the United States of America has a campaign rally in Minnesota. At the rally he describes Joe Biden with a bad word.
Read moreThrown under the Bus
There is a new book out about the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman fiasco. It is called The Trayvon Hoax.
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Has Anybody told ICE?
Fidel and Rudisill
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Has Joe been nipping at the Rat Cheese?
It is getting wussa and wussa.
A record player? Minority children are four million words behind? Trade in your Obama phone for a Biden Victrola?
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